Grants for Wheelchair Accessible Vans in Massachusetts

Financial Resources for Funding a Handicap Van in Massachusetts
Financial Resources for Funding a Handicap Van in Massachusetts

If you need a wheelchair van for yourself or a family member and you live in Massachusetts, you’re in the right place. Below is a collection of resources for when you need a disability grant for buying a used or new handicap van or for converting your van to a more handicapped-friendly ride with accessibility equipment or adaptive driving hand controls.

Massachusetts residents may receive disability grants directly from some of these organizations and agencies. Those listed that do not provide funds will help you learn about all your grant options. The pros staffing these groups can tip you off to all sorts of opportunities you might not otherwise unearth while doing your own research.

In addition, turn to Massachusetts chapters of national foundations and associations devoted to your disability. These are great sources of disability grants and useful information.

Mobility Consultations: If you are unsure about what type of conversion would be best for you — or would like assistance with finding financial resources, you can request a Free Needs Analysis and Mobility Consultation at any of The Mobility Resource dealer locations.

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Disclaimer: This information is intended to assist you in your purchase or financing of a wheelchair van, and is in no way an offer or advertisement for a free wheelchair van.


Massachusetts Aging and Disabilities Resource Centers (ADRCs)

ADRCs are often described as “one-stop shops” for the elderly, people with disabilities and their loved ones. They strive to provide the most comprehensive and reliable information, education, services and other types of support to aging and disabled citizens. Contact the Massachusetts office that serves your county to find help funding your handicapped-accessible vehicle.

Massachusetts Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)

The Massachusetts AAA is a go-to resource for aging state residents who need help maintaining mobility and independence. It has offices all around the state. Local branches are spread across the state.

Massachusetts Statewide Independent Living Council (MASILC)

MASILC is overseen by members appointed by the Governor for their specialized knowledge of issues affecting disabled people’s ability to lead an independent life. It influences state policy, educates the public and promotes the principles of independent living. Inquire about where you can find disability grants to put toward your mobility needs.

280 Irving Street
Framingham, MA 01702
(508) 620-7452 or toll free (866) 662-7452

[email protected]

Massachusetts Veterans’ Services

Veterans are entitled to a variety of services and support from federal and state governments. In Massachusetts, they are distributed through the Department of Veterans’ Services. If your impaired mobility is a result of your military service, or if it was worsened during your service, you are most likely eligible for disability grants, including one to cover the cost of your handicap van.

600 Washington St., 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 210-5480

[email protected]

Massachusetts Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS)

The Massachusetts state VRS is dedicated to helping disabled state residents obtain and maintain employment. It recognizes that a job is an essential part of leading a fully functional life. To these ends, it offers all manner of assistance, possibly including disability grants for a wheelchair van to get to work, from locations across the state.


MassMatch’s primary purpose is to help disabled Massachusetts residents acquire the assistive technology that will help them lead more independent and rewarding lives. They offer instruction, equipment loans, funding for assistive technology and other aid.

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
600 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 204-3851 or toll free (866) 682-9955

[email protected]

New England Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Center

The National Network of ADA Centers has offices dedicated to particular geographical areas. The New England ADA Center is your resource as a resident of Massachusetts. The Center is devoted to enhancing the self-determination, independence, quality of life and rights of in-state disabled people. Get in touch for help finding various disability grants to put towards a wheelchair van.

180-200 Portland Street
Suite 1
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 695-1225 or toll free (800) 949-4232

[email protected]

These are only some of the resources available for Massachusetts disability grants and assistance.

If you work with or know of another agency or organization in Massachusetts that should be listed here, please forward its information to [email protected].